COVID-19 Informative Articles & Videos
This is an uncertain and stressful time for many of us, especially those in Nashville affected by the recent tornado and now dealing with the COVID-19 virus. The health and financial well-being of our families, clients and friends are our top priorities.
We will continue to update you on the impact of this situation whether that be investment resources during these unprecedented economic times or information on governmental relief packages.
We are here for you, so please reach out to us if you need assistance. In the meantime, below are some helpful articles and videos.
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Top 10 CARES Act provisions you need to know about

SBA again extends safe harbor deadline for PPP borrowers

Charitable giving opportunities under the CARES Act

Congress expands small business COVID-19 relief, including PPP

New directives from IRS and Fed aimed to assist taxpayers and employers

CARES Act for small business chart
As of June 10, 2020

CARES Act includes relief for retirement account owners

In the midst of COVID-19, how do I know my financial plan is still on track?

What effects will the Feds open-ended commitment to buying assets have on the economy?

What do you do when markets are down? Build wealth!

Focus on long-term performance objectives - Market Commentary: Q1 2020 in Perspective

Paycheck Protection Program available to help employers in payroll crisis

Larry Swedroe addresses financial concerns amid the COVID-19 crisis

The market volatility survival tool: true grit

What should I do if I'm retired and a market decline puts my plan in jeopardy?

A transformed investor’s reaction to coronavirus

CARES Act unpacked - what's the scoop on RMDs for retirees?

What considerations should small-business owners make during this time?

Effects of CARES Act are far-reaching for businesses and individuals

CARES Act adds $2 trillion to combat COVID-19 impact

If the market is going to get worse before it gets better, shouldn't I sell now?

How does the coronavirus outbreak impact your investments?

Nine points to consider on the outlook for equities

Why does the pain of market loss feel so much stronger than the joy of market gains?

Tax filing deadline moved
to July 15

Coronavirus relief bill contains tax credits for employers

IRS offers tax relief for victims of Tennessee storms

It looks like things could get worse before they get better
How should we prepare ourselves?

Can the market bounce back?

Long-term investors, don’t let a recession faze you
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COVID-19 Relief Resources
Our affiliate, KraftCPAs PLLC, has pulled together a wide range of resources related to COVID-19 tax extensions, relief bills and stimulus packages. Please visit the page for updated information.
COVID-19 Safeguards Announcement
We appreciate your trust in us and understand that you rely on us to deliver exceptional, uninterrupted service to you no matter what challenges arise.
Given the continuing impact of the COVID-19 virus, we want to share with you a couple of important pieces of information so you can rest assured we are thoroughly prepared to serve you.
First, it’s important to know that we plan ahead for challenges like this, so when situations like COVID-19 occur, we are prepared to continue to serve our clients. Our robust technology platforms and partnerships with large, established providers allow our team to work securely and collaboratively from any location. Our employees are temporarily working from home and the fact that our processes and technology permit us to work from anywhere gives us confidence that, should we need to do so, our teams will continue to do their work without interruption.
Second, our team understands and adheres to CDC and World Health Organization best practices related to staying healthy and minimizing risk and exposure to COVID-19. These recommendations include regular hand washing, covering mouths and noses when coughing and sneezing, and avoiding close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness. Any associate exhibiting signs of illness (of any kind) is instructed to avoid in-person contact with others.
Most important, though, is that you and your family remain healthy and safe in this time of uncertainty, so please do what you can to take care of yourself and those around you. Thank you for your continuing trust in us. As always, please reach out to us if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Kraft Asset Management, LLC