Don’t forget year-end tax planning

Year End Tax Planning

With the craziness of the holidays, it’s easy to forget about year end tax planning, but this time of the year represents the perfect opportunity to reflect on the last twelve months and to review your overall personal financial situation.

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Avoid the seven deadly sins of investing

7 Deadly Sins of Investing

Investment mistakes happen. When they do, money is lost and confidence is diminished. Learning to recognize common investing mistakes can help you avoid these undesirable consequences.

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Global trade tension and your portfolio

U.S. & China Flags

It was hard to miss the recent headlines about escalating trade tensions between the U.S. and China — and hard not to notice the up-and-down market activity that went along with it. But what, if any, long-term impact does trade policy have on the economy and, by extension, our portfolios?

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